Monday, March 31, 2014

11/25/20013 I Have the Cutest Foot Fingers.

Hey family! 
Sorry about last week. That really sucked, but I will do my best to make up for it this week. 

Things I forgot to mention: somebody blasted our door with black paint on p day 2 weeks ago and I will be sending you a picture of that. Also, if you wanted to send me something for Christmas (no hints included..) it needed to be sent before the 21st or it probably won't get here until January.... so yeah. that sucks. but no worries! Just send it anyway! We should keep Christmas in our hearts all year round right?Well presents really help with that!

This week was good--I made banana bread this last Monday.
[tourists say the darndest things:you'd think they'd have a ripe banana in the land of bananas. (there were a lot of green bananas in the grocery store that day. Did I mention I live in the land of bananas? They're everywhere! and banana trees are really interesting.)] and I made up the recipe! and it was delicious. So basically I rock.

OK. On to the important stuff, that super cool investigator we have who came to church! He's still cool. He came and played soccer at the church on Saturday, and we taught him and his friend on the Wed. before that. And now he's marked for baptism on the 14th. The only problem is that we were teaching him with his girlfriend. One because everyone needs the gospel. 2. because its easier to just convert both of them and help them live the law of chastity. 3. because its seems like she would feel better about us if we taught him with her there right? Well, he's still legit and still going to get baptized, but she doesn't really like us and in typical Portuguese fashion he just told us. They're very straightforward about things here. so yeah. We're passing him over to the elders. 

But! in other news!

We did a division with the Sister Training Leaders this week and Sister Cutler and I met this lady named Leticia at the bus stop. and so on Saturday we went to her house which turned out to be really far away on a mountain super hidden down this skinny flight of like 100 cement stairs. but we found it about 45 minutes late and she was waiting for us! We met her husband and taught them the 1st lesson and they really got it (which you could tell because she would reexplain in her own words to her husband everything that we said) and they both accepted the convite to be baptized on the 14th! So we're really excited about that too. 

Unfortunately, we freaked out our other investigator, Raphael, who was marked for the 7th with the word of wisdom. I think we overwhelmed him a little bit. So we need to track him down to talk to him about it a little bit. He got overwhelmed but he just needs to know that he can do it!! And that he can do it at his pace and that he's not alone in it. 

Also... I opened some of the Christmas letters.. oops! But I just couldn't wait and I wanted to put some ornaments on the tree. 

Oh. and Sister Cardoso says that I have cute foot fingers because in Portuguese toes and fingers are the same word and you differentiate by saying hand or foot and she was studying English. and yeah.. it was funny. 

Hey! I love you guys!

Have a great week and eat lots of pie!


p.s. Fight the good fight!

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